May 2023 BID Meeting Minutes


(May 16th, 2023)


5125 6th Ave, Kenosha WI 53140



Executive Committee: Chairperson Mark Wistar, Vice Chairperson Brit Windel, Secretary Jeanette Kelly
Board Members:
Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Maria Caravati, James Matzur, Gus Harris, Alex Kudrna
Non-Voting Members: Dennis DuChene, Laura Gregorski, Donny Stancato,

David Strash


  1. Minutes­­ Approval from APRIL 18TH, 2023 Maria motioned – Gus second – 
  2. Citizens’ Comments



  1. Director Comments
    1. Updates from the Chairman
      • Vote on BID By Laws – Motion to approve Kevin – Brit Second – All in favor – mark, gus, brett, alex, brit, kevin, Jim, Maria & Jeanette
      • Mayor Meeting Summary – New Projects for Downtown Kenosha and Uptown –
      • Security – KPD increasing patrol – Jeanette Laura and Mark meeting with the police chief – Increase security camera
      • Banners- Mayor approved the designs – public works committee 22nd of May – Visual and material – map of flower basket –
      • Planters –
      • Parking Signs – Blue Public Parking Signs
      • Downtown Clean Up
    2. Treasurer Report 
  2. Marketing Updates
    1. Downtown Magazine Update – Friday May 19th paper – Digital use #godowntownkenosha
    2. Merge Facebook Update – origina DKI mergiving with go downtown Kenosha Facebook page –
    3. Website Update – Denise adding content and details to listings and photos – SEO – Anna updating paperstyle Map of downtown
    4. Report on Networking Event – 75 – 80 attended – public hosted – new and young business owners – next event – educational
    5. BID is sponsoring 2 Peanut Butter and Jam – Dates- July 13th & 27th – Taste of Wisconsin – Hand out Stickers – hand out koozies
    6. Love whats local Koozies
    7. Blue Public Parking Signs – Going to Public Works Committee
    8. Banner Update – Going to Public Works Committee


  1. Committees Comments
  • Outreach and Retention- dave strash – gus, Mark, Jim
    • Security – McTernan update
    • Dave and Committee contact local businesses on upcoming events
  • Streets and Beautification – Dennis, Jeanette, Kevin, Maria, Brett, Mark, Brit
    • Bike Rack Request – additional location specifically Lettering Machine
    • Garbage Pick and Request for more Garbage Cans – Specifically by Trolley Dogs
    • Sculpture Ash Trays – Pet Friendly
    • Evaluate Lighting on Poles – Captains specifically
    • Signage- Grant Program for Store signage
    • Public Decorations Kevin Ervin Update
  • Events & Promotions – Laura, Gus, Jeanette, Rajhiv, Mark, Alex, Donny, Rob
    • Third Thursday – registration open now – have extended hours for third Thursdays
    • Sip & Stroll – June 24th – 1pm-4pm – registration 12pm


  1. New Items of Business
  • Connect Community – resource trainings – reports to be filed – resources and caliber – $250 per year – to keep the access for WDIC –
    • Motion – to approve – Brit – Maria – Second


  1. Next Meeting/Agenda –
    1. June 20th next BID meeting
    2. 1920s production Alex to bring Film and arts back to Kenosha



Kevin Motioned to adjourned

Gus second


Dates to Know


May 16 BID Meeting

June 15th Third Thursday

June 20th BID Meeting

June 24th Sip and Stroll

July 2nd Parade Day