February 2023 BID Meeting Minutes



TUESDAY, February 21st @ 8:30AM


PRESENT:  Rajiv Singh, Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Alex Kudrna, Gus Harris, Rob Greskoviak, Jim Matzur, Brett Bjorn, Brit Windel


ABSENT:  Jeanette Kelly, Maria Caravati


GUEST:          Dennis DuChene – Visit kenosha

Dave Strash – Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce

Laura Gregorski – Visit Kenosha


The meeting was called to order at 8:36 am by Chairperson Alex Kudrna.  A quorum was present.


  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Director Singh /seconded by Director Wistar to approve the minutes from previous monthly BID Meeting on 12/20/22 and 1/17/23. Motion carried.


  1. Citizen’s Comments
    1. Dave Strash – Kenosha Area Chamber of Commerce promoting upcoming Expo


  • Chairman Comments – Alex Kudrna
    1. Marketing – Laura Tyunaitis – Visit Kenosha
      • Website doing well
        1. Meeting minutes will now get posted
      • Go Downtown will be at Kenosha Chamber Expo promoting
      • Constant Contact Subscription
        1. Request for approval for up to $80/month subscription fee
        2. Brit motions, Rob Seconds – approved
      • State of Downtown – Thursday, March 16th
        1. At Wyndham Garden Kenosha Harborside – 5pm to 7pm
        2. Speakers – Mayor, Gratzi, BID President
      • Bunny Hop – April 1st
        1. Visit Kenosha will provide supplies (eggs) for businesses and people come to your business as part of hunt
          1. Businesses must provide promotion to get free eggs
  • Downtown Kenosha Magazine – 5th magazine has just been released
  1. Banner Project
    • Final Banners presented by Chairperson Kudrna
    • Motion to approve by Director Irvin, seconded by Director Wistar. Motion carried.
  2. Seasonal Decorations Project – Kevin Irvin
    • Director Irvin has upcoming meetings to finalize quotes. Progress continues.
  3. Professional Development Seminars – Rajiv Singh
    • First Educational Seminar will be Block Party Event Mobilization
      1. Speakers are Director Wistar and Director Kudrna
      2. Goal is to have first event at the end of April
    • 2nd Educational Seminar will be Website and Social Media by the Gratzi
    • Chair – Mark Wistar
    • Vice – Chair – Brit Windel
    • Secretary – Jeanette Kelly
    • Treasurer – Rajiv Singh
  1. Treasurer’s Comments – Rajiv Singh
    1. Motion to increase Annual Meeting Budget to $5,000 for 2023
      • Proposed by Director Windel and Seconded by Director Irvin. Motion carries
  1. Directors Comments / Open Items & Discussion
    1. Director Kudrna
      • 59th Street from Sixth Ave to 5th Avenue will be torn up from April to November 2023
        1. Concerns regarding parking issues were discussed
      • Block Parties and One-Day events
        1. Do we want to try to have some type of quarterly event to draw people in
          1. Artists from Lemon Streets could help
        2. Director Wistar – Car Dealership parking lots looking more like car storage lots vs. dealership
  1. Next Meeting/Agenda
  1. Minutes recorded by Rajiv Singh
  2. The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 21st at 8:30 at the Wyndham Garden Kenosha Harborside. The meetings will be the third Tuesday.
  3. Adjournment – Director Ervin moved/seconded by Director Bjorn to adjourn at 9:20am. Motion carried.