Third Thursdays - February 20th ❤️

Actor’s Craft


Since 2005, Actor’s Craft has been helping people achieve an exceptional performance with a variety of solid techniques that encompass the whole person so it can bring themselves fully to their roles! Classes are small at Actor’s Craft, so your experience will be personal, whether you are a novice or a professional with decades of work behind you.

Actor’s Craft also videotapes auditions and can email them to your casting director or agent. If you choose, you can be coached on your audition piece and your best work will be sent.  Learn to see the beauty and strength within yourself and share it with the world!

Actor’s Craft is a professional acting studio, located in Kenosha, WI, since 2005. What sets Actor’s Craft apart is the wealth of experience and passion Maureen Cashin Bolog brings to her chosen profession as an Acting Coach. She studied with the best Acting Coaches in the country and brings Los Angeles caliber training to the Midwest, so you can compete successfully with actors on the Coasts. We do not churn out actors, we invest in individuals.

As well as Professional Acting and Public Speaking Classes for Adults, Teens and Children, Actor’s Craft offers The Dynamic Executive and Theater Games and Improv for Seniors.

Various Hours, 9:30-10pm for classes


Maureen Bolog


Actor’s Craft

4900 7th Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53140, USA

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