October 2023 BID Meeting Minutes


5125 6th Ave, Kenosha WI 53140



Executive Committee: Chairperson Mark Wistar, Vice Chairperson Brit Windel,           Treasurer Rajiv Sigh, Secretary Jeanette Kelly
Board Members Present:
Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Alex Kudrna, Rob Gresoviak, James Matzur, Maria Caravati, Gus Harris
Non-Voting Members: Dennis DuChene, Laura Gregorski, Donny Stancato,  Alderman Bill Siel,


  1. Minutes­­ Approval from September 19th, 2023 – Motion to approve minutes – Maria – Kevin Second


  1. Citizens’ Comments


  • Alderman Siel – Meeting with city members today 10.17.23 to discuss planters


  1. Director Comments
    • Updates from the Chairman
  • Reminder about upcoming elections –
  • Alex – Yes , Jeanette – Yes – Rob – no – Jim – no –
    • Nominations – Keith – Culinary Infusion, Sharon Rossow – Copy Center, Kyle Kavalaskus – Tavern on 6th & Church and Market
    • Reach out to Mike Lampos, Meghan from Hold my Beer, Paul Campagna, Deschaun from Blak Coffee,
  • Planters Update – Alderman Siel – Meeting with city members today 10.17.23 to discuss planters
  • Attorney Update about cameras – Attorney has paperwork completed, transfer the
  • DKI Funds – funds have been redistributed back to BID – to create a façade program –
  • Façade Grant Update – Separate Committee , 1 or 2 BID members, bankers, construction company, architect, hoping to have first round by June or July 2024 Follow up with Matt Monroe and starting in
    • Treasurer Report
  • 2024 budget update – review budget and ready for approval for October



  1. Marketing Updates
    • Street Car Update – met with transit and city administrator –
      • Two trolleys would run for a special event trolley – free to customers and guests
      • Negotiated rate for the year
      • Should know more information
    • Recap Sip and Stroll – 140 tickets sold – 26 at the door – credit card accepted at the door
    • Highlight Winter Events – need holiday event lists – Friendship Park Lightin UP
      • Window decorating – offer advertising incentive – advertising packages –
      • Snow daze – Jan 27th
    • Downtown Map – a bit more of a challenge
    • Winter Downtown Magazine – getting ready to please reach out to Donny – October 30th is the deadling
    • Go Downtown QR Code Sandwich Boards – In New Year
    • Lattes with the Law – Committee – Jeanette will be on the committee
    • Survey for cameras – went out on Monday and we will have the results at the next meeting


  1. Committees Comments
  • Outreach and Retention
    • Business Pulse Survey
  • Streets and Beautification
    • Bindelli update – Graffiti program – submit any issues through the website
    • Bike rack update survey who wants a rack – reserve with the city – to include in the new budget –
    • Lighting on poles update – have lights to give to businesses and working with the city to get the other poles lit
      • Holiday lights were ordered
    • Way Finding – approval from city – now it is – when and where
    • New meeting getting scheduled
  • Events & Promotions
    • Third Thursdays promotions – postcards sent out
    • Sidewalk Sales – approval for October 13th-October 21st
    • Sip and Stroll Sign up
    • Merry & Bright


  • Snow Days – Jan 27


  1. New Items of Business
    • Incentive for decorating businesses
      • Alex Motioned to increase $1000 for lightin up to have additional prizes in order to get more businesses to participate
      • Gus Second the motion
    • Downtown Kenosha Magazine Assets
      • Kevin makes motion to have assets
      • Gus Second the motion


  1. Next Meeting/Agenda
    • Brit Motion to adjourn
    • Kevin Second



  1. ADJOURNMENT Brit Motion to Adjourn, Mark Second


Dates to Know

October 17th BID meeting

October 28th Trunk or Treat

March 14th – State of Downtown