December 2024 BID Meeting Minutes
(December 17th, 2024)
5125 6th Ave, Kenosha WI 53140
Executive Committee: Chairperson Jeanette Kelly, Vice Chairperson Alex Kudrna, Treasurer Kevin Ervin, Secretary Sharon Rossow
Board Members Present: Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Rob Gresoviak, Maria Caravati, Gus Harris, Mark Wistar, Tina Warner, Ben Trecoci
Non-Voting Members: Dennis DuChene, Laura Gregorski, Donny Stancato, Alderman Bill Siel
- Minutes Approval
Mark motions, Ben seconds. Motion passes
- Citizens’ Comments – No Comments
- Guest Speaker – Braxton Molinaro
Braxton shares his background, working in California and NY, Bradford theatre grad. Exploring opportunity with KAPA (20 years strong) – would like to try to do a site-specific live broadcast event in Downtown Kenosha under new KENOSHA REPERTORY THEATRE. Goal to bring attention to small business in Kenosha. Suggested production, LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS at EQUINOX botanical boutique. Working with Kenosha names like Holly Stanfield, etc. Planning for first week of June! 😊
- Director Comments
- Updates from the Chairman
- BVIP Update
Committee met on the Nov. 19th, 24 submitted, 17 were funded to a degree. Funds going out
after Christmas. About $70,000 dispersed.
- Lightin up Downtown Recap
went well, mayor pleased. A few items to improve upon, including a later start so it’s a bit darker. 5 minute firework show desired – $10K needed to be raised. $47,000 spent on the event this year.
- State of Downtown
Set for April 10. Planning to continue. Stay at The Stella. 5pm.
- Insurance
now insured, can now do sidewalk sales. Each business will need to have a certificate of insurance, business names the BID, BID names the City. Invite the Mayor right away. – Alex to handle.
- Committees
Laura provides update about the three committees – what each does. Laura to send out a new sign up form. Everyone is welcome to sign up for a new committee.
- Chamber Update
No longer sponsoring chamber memberships. 2024 will be paid out and then program will be discontinued. Rates have gone up and most businesses downtown already involved. Value has diminished.
- Goals of 2025-2026
Strong focus on Small Business Saturday. Brett suggests larger social media budget to promote.
- Treasurer Report
- Update
- Marketing Updates
- Website
- Facebook/Instagram
- print placements
- Spectrum OTT
- ValPak
- Holiday Q&A – board members complete during meeting?
- ZERO response to two emails that went out.
- Committees Comments
- Outreach & Retention
- Streets & Beautification
- Events & Promotions
- New Items of Business
Flower Baskets – Maria shares the company that did hanging, take down, and watering. We need to find a new contractor. Siebert (2 years ago) is willing, but would like to approach City to water. Alex and Maria to talk to Mayor.
St Patricks– Kevin updates
Recipe for dying Harbor Green, about $10K cost, CJW Interested in Sponsoring
Beer run is planned almost entirely, starts at 10am at 50th Street
Open Container being explored for beverages in specific areas downtown
- Next Meeting/Agenda
Kevin motions to adjourn, Maria seconds. Merry Christmas Happy New Year!!
Dates to Know
January 25th: Snow Daze
February 22: March 2 : Restaurant Week
March 15th: ST. Patrick’s Parade