August 2023 BID Meeting Minutes


(August 15, 2023)


5125 6th Ave, Kenosha WI 53140



Executive Committee: Chairperson Mark Wistar, Vice Chairperson Brit Windel,           Treasurer Rajiv Sighn, Secretary Jeanette Kelly
Board Members:
Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Maria Caravati, Robert Greskoviak, James Matzur, Gus Harris, Alex Kudrna
Non-Voting Members: Dennis DuChene, Laura Gregorski (recording Minutes this meeting), Donny Stancato,

David Strash
Guests – The Stella Hotel, Copy Center, Happenings Magazine, Bill Siel, Tim Casey and Downtown Presentation, McTernan Wireless


  1. Minutes­­ Approval from July 18th, 2023

Brit motions, Alex seconds. All in favor. Approved.


  1. Director Comments – SPECIAL AGENDA
    1. Updates from the Chairman
    2. Camera/Security Presentation
  1. Mcternan Wireless
    Dan McTernan – tech company in Kenosha, family has been in Kenosha for decades and wants to support our community.
    Downtown surveillance plan, met with local law enforcement. Found out areas that are lacking coverage for camera hot spots, with budget in mind. Wants to be competitive in pricing because they recognize downtown is small businesses and old buildings. Not a cloud approach of storage, cloud approach of access – helps with cost savings. Can add cameras to the package – we aren’t paying for more cloud storage. Cost of cloud space would be restrictive.
    Mitch Johnson, design specialist for packages, can help with blueprints of plans, camera views, heigh suggestions, topographic maps for field of view. Suggesting 180-degree style cameras, two lenses in one camera not fisheye, Provides super widescreen image showing full view. 8mg cameras. Microphone included so audio option is available, Can turn off mic. Four channel recorder, one channel to start. can add three more cameras each. Businesses can add additional – at little cost. Internal cameras can be on own channels, external channels can be provided publicly. Five year warranty on all hardware, one year on labor. Smart phone app available. Play back on desktop or app, easy access. Authorization in place from some existing cameras. Live views available. Dan heard about flock – LPR cameras can be added, so no incurred costs. One-time fee for cameras to be integrated. Police could have direct access. LPR camera should be on streetpole and by stoplight.


  • FLOCK – $3,000 per camera per year, $150 to install on existing post or pole. Everything is covered for lifetime of contract, two-year contract minimum. KPD is in process of installing. The BID cameras would be additional to what KPD is planning for Kenosha Area. BID would gift funds for cameras, would have to cover vandalization, $800 replacement costs, inquire about insurance coverage.
    Purchase two cameras


-Develop installation and management agreement with KPD

-Confirm with insurance for BID that these are covered

$20k to start package.


  1. Dream Backyard – withdrew presentation due to time constraints at today’s meeting. Will present next meeting.
  2. Downtown District Development focus group with Tim Casey

Tim Casey and guests to share Downtown development
Branding and Naming – Bill Siel shares what this means for all of us, vital addition to the BID and budget. Groundbreaking before winter hopeful. Kobalt Partners, Scott Yought President, (sp?), and CD Smith.

Talking about branding….
interactive discussion for groups research. Goal is to bridge south and north sides of downtown, and anchoring location to lakefront.
City Hub | City Point | KPoint |Harborgate
Harbor Center

  1. Marketing Boundaries Map Presentation and Voting
    Handout provided by email to review.
    Maria shares she loves the idea to include others, however feels they should be making a payment.
    Alex motions to approve marketing boundaries as document, all in favor, no opposed. Motion carries.

Motion to adjourn