March 2023 BID Meeting Minutes



TUESDAY, March 21st @ 8:30AM



PRESENT:  Rajiv Singh, Jeanette Kelly, Brett Bjorn, Kevin Ervin, Maria Caravati, Alex Kudrna, Brit Windel, Gus Harris, Mark Wistar


ABSENT:  Rob Greskoviak, Jim Matzur


GUEST:  Angela Preston, Mick Kelly, Dave Strash, Tia, Ben Trecoci, Laura Gregorski, Dennis Duchene, Kevin Velvikis


The meeting was called to order at 8:34 am by Chairperson Mark.


  1. Citizen’s Comments
    1. Dave Strash– Chamber of Commerce
      • Kenosha Chamber of Commerce Expo Event was a great success
      • Great to hear parking is an issue –
    2. United way – 100 volunteers – March 23rd
    3. Trecoci – Lights are dim on 6th Ave 56th street – newsletter reminder in the “The Loop“ – keeping storefront lights on at night
    4. Transparency – make sure that is clearly communicated –
    5. Angela Preston – Sailing Center has Moved to Great Lakes Yacht – Have you been to the Harbor lately? Re- establish water safety and bring more people in Kenosha – FREE PORT – Venetian Night –August 19th Water Restoration Block Party – Rubber Ducky Races – Welcome Bag sponsored by the BID for corporate nights?


  1. Chairman Comments – Mark
    1. Thank you to everyone for a successful annual meeting – Thank you to Brit- Alex- Laura – Mick – Q & A – Make sure clearly communicated – Great Turnout – 100 downtown business owners and

We can email the businesses that did not rsvp and reach out and follow up

Link the video in the newsletter

Long List of the positive items on the Mayors list – Big picture –

Next year – what is happening on the smaller scale – new businesses – highlighting businesses

  1. Marketing
    1. Marketing and Events
    2. Progress with Main Street Program transfer is being made
    3. Website Photography – Troy – Including photos and building the photos on the website
    4. Website – getting here – bike racks – parking – take the trolley –
  2. Banner Project
    • Banners to be framed and to be a gift to the Mayor and into the Mayor’s office
    • Bunny Hop – Tia will be stuffing Easter eggs
    • Spring Clean Up – Carthage and Parkside – power washers – points of concern – seagulls – coming back early
    • Maria, Mark and Dennis are bringing the banners to the mayor and present them at the council –
    • Get the sketch designs and put into the Downtown Kenosha Coloring Book – have the coloring pages
  3. Seasonal Decorations Project – Kevin Irvin
    • No update at this time
  4. Professional Development Seminars –
  • Dates –
  • Block Party Event Mobilization – April – Morning – Food – Drinks –
  • Second Presentation Speaker is Gratzi – June – Evening – Food – Drinks –
  • Treasurer’s Comments – Rajiv Singh
    1. Working on the Audit – compiled and completed
    2. Increase Marketing $$ for businesses to join and market for those businesses and SEO –
  1. Directors Comments / Open Items & Discussion
    1. Director Windel
      • Parking issues on 6th Ave
      • Anytime Fitness Building
      • Seagulls are back …
      • Bringing the Tire Trolley downtown and review a different route – Jeanette & Kevin will work with Laura
      • Free Parking Sign on the Parking Lot


  1. Chairman Mark
    • Special Events – Boost in the sales –
    • Second Saturdays – Theme each Month – Third Thursdays – Wine Tastings on Thursdays for Equinox –
    • Motion to approve to Anna (Marketing) to make a third Thursdays logo – Maria motion to approved – Brit Second
    • Car Lot on Sheridan Rd. – Speak to Bill Siel – Put pressure and the boards on the buildings
    • Restaurants using parking spots in the summer – is that going to get approved ?
    • Who owns the parking garage – McDonough –
  2. Director Ervin
    • Went to Cedarburg – Vertical Signage – Add to the Character of Downtown – Who can we bring this information to the city? –
  3. Director Harris
    • Meet and Greet – Reason to congregate – quarterly education to network and talk about and to other business owners – Outreach Committee – Gus, Mark, Maria, Kevin
    • Go visit other businesses – Supporting other businesses – phone tree –
  1. Next Meeting/Agenda
  1. Minutes recorded by Jeanette Kelly
  2. The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 18th at 8:30 at the Wyndham Garden Kenosha Harborside. The meetings will be the third Tuesday.
  3. Adjournment – Director sighg moved/seconded by Director Harris to adjourn at 9:35am. Motion carried.