St. Patrick's Day Parade & Beer Run 3/15/25

Wooden Chair Antiques: Breathing New Life into Timeless Treasures

If you’ve ever wandered through Downtown Kenosha and stumbled upon a shop that feels like stepping into a time machine, chances are you found yourself inside Wooden Chair Antiques. And if you were lucky, you met the one and only Maya Salinas—part historian, part storyteller, and full-time treasure hunter.

Wooden Chair Antiques isn’t just a store; it’s a carefully curated collection of the past, where every item has a story, and every customer leaves with a memory. Maya’s passion for history isn’t just about the artifacts—it’s about the connections, the conversations, and the moments that make this place truly special. Whether she’s swapping presidential trivia, singing the Oscar Mayer jingle with customers, or dreaming up a 10-acre antique paradise (complete with a gas station called the Popo-Watering Hole), one thing is certain—Maya isn’t just collecting antiques, she’s building a legacy.

So, take a seat (preferably an antique wooden one), and enjoy this fun, heartfelt, and occasionally hilarious chat with the woman behind one of Downtown Kenosha’s most unique hidden gems.

Can you tell us about your journey from corporate America to opening Wooden Chair Antiques?

Maya: I spent years as both an antique collector and a traveling vendor, all while feeling stuck in the corporate world. The idea of leaving a secure job to pursue my dream was both thrilling and terrifying. But after years of planning, learning, and manifesting this vision, the right opportunity finally presented itself. I truly believe things don’t just happen—they happen because they’re meant to. One day, the door flew wide open, and God said, “Go!” So, I took the leap and never looked back.

What inspired you to make the leap?

Maya: Over the past four years, I focused on personal growth—listening to inspiring books, journaling daily, and practicing meditation. I’ve always believed in looking beyond what’s in front of me, especially when it comes to my career. I constantly asked myself, How do I get to the other side of the fence? That phrase represented people who had figured it out—those who were living their dream while I was still on the other side, just wondering. Eventually, I realized if I didn’t take the chance now, it might never happen. All the books, speakers, and daily reflections led me to that moment, and when the opportunity came, I chose to walk my own path.

You’ve been an antique collector for over 15 years. How did this passion evolve into a full-time business?

Maya: One weekend, I was a vendor at an antique show, standing in my rented 10×10 space, surrounded by my carefully curated collection. As I looked around at the bustling event, a lightbulb went off—Oh dang, so this is how it works. If others could make a living doing what they loved, why couldn’t I?

I’ve always been passionate about antiques, learning, and—most of all—the thrill of the hunt. That realization set me on a journey of figuring out how to transition into a full-time business. I asked myself, How do I get there? How did they do it? What’s my timeline? Before I knew it, the pieces started falling into place. I signed the lease for my shop on my birthday, had three weeks to set up, and then opened my doors. There was no looking back!

Why did you choose Downtown Kenosha for Wooden Chair Antiques, and how has the local community responded?

Maya: Initially, I thought about launching in Texas, but the market there wasn’t ideal for antiques. The other Texas location I considered required significant capital, so I shifted my focus to Illinois and Wisconsin. I quickly ruled out Illinois—starting a business there was too costly. But I knew Wisconsin loves antiques, so I began searching for the right spot.

I first looked in Union Grove, but the spaces were either too small, too expensive, or unavailable. Then, one day, I took what I thought was a wrong turn in Downtown Kenosha and saw a “For Lease” sign. It felt like fate.

The community’s response has been incredible. Even before we officially opened, people would stop by while we were setting up, asking questions and sharing their excitement. Some even offered to help! It was heartwarming. Neighbors welcomed us with open arms, and to this day, people drive by, honk, wave, and smile. I feel so lucky to be part of such an amazing community. What truly amazed me, though, was the support from other small business owners—everyone here wants to see each other succeed. It’s been an incredible experience.

Your store features a wide variety of items, from mid-century modern to Victorian. How do you source your inventory, and what’s your favorite type of piece to hunt for?

Maya: Oh boy—where do I even begin? We truly have something for everyone! I can’t reveal all my secrets, but before opening the store, I shopped everywhere. I planned three major road trips a year, driving coast to coast, always on the lookout for treasures. Sometimes, I even found incredible pieces right in my own backyard (not literally… well, sometimes!). I’ve even scored great finds on the side of the road!

Now that I have the store, I still go on mini treasure-hunting trips, but I also receive invitations to pick through private homes.

As for my favorite finds, that’s a tough one! I have two loves—one for my personal collection and another for the shop. Lately, I’ve been drawn to French décor, crystal pieces, and barn-chippy wood items. But honestly, the best part of this job is that my favorites are always changing. There’s always something new to fall in love with!

Can you share the process of transforming the space from a grocery store into a unique antique shop?

Maya: This is my favorite part! I’ve always had a knack for visualizing spaces and transforming them into something special. When I first walked into the building, let’s just say… it was a dump. It had been vacant for seven years, so it was dirty, smelly, and in rough shape. A lot of people were worried about the massive industrial refrigerators left behind. But I saw the vision.

I closed my eyes and imagined what the space could be, and what you see today is exactly how I envisioned it. It all came together in stages—within three weeks, I had turned that abandoned grocery store into a functioning antique shop. And now, just under a year later, the transformation is even more incredible.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to mindset. Anything is possible if you commit to the vision and take it one step at a time.

What were some of the challenges you faced during that transition?

Maya: There were definitely challenges—some I’d rather save for another time! But the biggest obstacles stemmed from the building sitting vacant for so long. We had to deal with issues like broken lights, faulty plumbing, and even some creepy crawlies!

One of the biggest personal challenges was transitioning from being an employee to being a business owner. My career was in Human Resources—I worked for the people and protected the company. In some ways, it’s not that different from running my own business, but in other ways, it was a huge learning curve.

And, of course, social media! I’m not someone who loves being in front of a camera, but I quickly realized that social media is essential for reaching customers and growing my business. I had to push myself out of my comfort zone and embrace it.

Where do you see Wooden Chair Antiques in the next five years? What goals do you have for the store?

Maya: Wooden Chair Antiques will be much bigger in the next five years—growth is essential! My dream is to have a 10-acre property with several large barns, a home on the land, and multiple small businesses under the WCA umbrella, all working together to create something truly unique for this area.

This vision is BIG—so big that it includes:

  • A gas station called the “Popo-Watering Hole”
  • A barn-turned-event hall (barn-dominium style)
  • A store, a mini-museum, and a café
  • A riding miniature train (inspired by Walt Disney’s personal train!)
  • A few small restaurants and possibly a B&B
  • A seasonal fleet of vintage Vespas for rent!

This is just a glimpse of what’s to come—something this area has never seen before!

You mentioned that you love history. Is there a particular era or historical period that fascinates you the most when it comes to antiques?

Maya: I wish you could’ve seen my face when I read this question—history is my favorite part of the world! You know we all live inside a giant antique ball, right?

Some of my favorite historical topics include:

  • U.S. Presidents—Washington, Lincoln, Grant, FDR, and JFK
  • Bicentennial-era collectibles (Coins, flags, watches, stamps—if it’s from 1976, I love it!)
  • Cowboys and Native American history (Did you know Red Cloud was the first Native American leader to win a war against the U.S. military? And while everyone knows Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and Doc Holliday, have you heard of Hoodoo Brown? He was the toughest of them all!)
  • Napoleon Hill—Self-help legend! (Great story here!)
  • Faith vs. Science—Which side do you lean toward?
  • The Gilded Age—Luxury, excess, and transformation at its finest.

The world is my biggest fascination, but history? That’s where my heart truly lies!

What’s the most memorable customer interaction you’ve had since opening the store?

Maya: Oh wow, I have so many! Here are my top three:

The Chess Game – Our good neighbor James, an older gentleman, often visits with his wife. One day, a young customer noticed a chessboard in the shop and challenged James to a game. Hours passed, and the two were locked in a battle of wits. I don’t even remember who won, but the camaraderie and connection between them made it unforgettable!

The Weenie Whistle Song – A group of lovely ladies came into the shop, and somehow, we got on the topic of the Oscar Mayer Wiener jingle. Before you knew it, we all burst into song—LOUDLY! One of the women’s husbands refused to join in, standing near the entrance shaking his head. I even caught the moment on Snapchat! (His exact words: “This is why I don’t take her out!”)

Good Ol’ Friends – I met John through Hill. One day, I ran into John at a gas station and asked when he’d be back at the shop. He said, “Oh, real soon.” Sure enough, within a few days, he showed up—with his friend Pete! They both arrived on bikes, and let me tell you, these guys are walking encyclopedias of knowledge. Over the past few months, we’ve become the best of buds.

Okay, one more for the books…

The Unexpected Visitor – There’s a guy who stops by occasionally—maybe you’ve seen him around town. He always wears a safety vest, helmet, and rides his bike everywhere. Most days, he just browses, but one day, he stormed in without a word, beelined straight for the cooler section, and—BAM—right in the middle of the aisle, he let out the most earth-shattering fart I’ve ever witnessed. He didn’t blink, move, or even say, “Excuse me.” Nope. He just stood there… marinating in his own funk. A dusty cloud surrounded him as he soaked it all in. Trust me, this isn’t the first time a customer has blessed the shop like that, but this one? This one was legendary.

As a lover of antiques, do you have a favorite piece in your collection, or is there something you’re still on the hunt for?

Maya: For me, it’s both. My all-time favorite piece, which I will never part with, is my 1987 Chevy El Camino (Johnny).

My father bought Johnny brand new in 1987, and I’ve been in love ever since! When I got my driver’s license, he became mine. At one point, I cracked the engine clean in half (thought I was a racer with that mighty 305 small block—lesson learned!). In the early 2000s, my dad got him fixed up, added Cregars (big in the back, small in the front), and Johnny became my summer-only ride.

In 2010, my parents moved to Texas, and Johnny went with them. My dad restored the interior, put the original rims back on, and when I finally settled into my own home, he shipped Johnny back to me. That truck means the world to me.

As for what I’m still searching for? A 1937 first-edition copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. There have been many reprints, but one day, I will own an original.

If there’s anything else you’d like to add, here’s your chance!

Maya: Yes! I’d love to help others like me achieve their goals. If there are any programs out there for aspiring entrepreneurs—especially those just starting out—I’d love to get involved and offer support. If you know of anything, please send it my way!

This has been such a fun interview—thank you for letting me share a little piece of Ms. Maya’s world with you!

Maya’s passion isn’t just for antiques —it’s about the stories, the people, and the connections that make Wooden Chair Antiques a true Downtown Kenosha destination. Every visit to her shop is a chance to step back in time and make a new memory. But this is just the beginning. With dreams of a sprawling antique haven—complete with barns, cafés, a museum, vintage Vespas, and even a miniature train—Maya is setting the stage for something truly special. She’s not just preserving the past; she’s building a future where history, community, and a little bit of fun all come together.

So, next time you’re wandering through Downtown Kenosha, step inside Wooden Chair Antiques. Whether you leave with a vintage treasure or just a great story, you’ll walk away feeling like part of something timeless.

Wooden ChairAntiques 5710 4th Avenue • FacebookInstagram • 262-764-0044 •